Adobe InDesign CS6 Introduction
The Subject
Adobe InDesign CS6 is a robust and easy-to-use design and layout program. With it you can create documents of many types, from single page advertisements and flyers, to complex multi-page colour publications. In this course, you will learn the basics of creating documents with InDesign.
In order to be successful with this course, a basic understanding of the operating system and of using applications in general is needed.
In this course, you will learn how to create and lay out documents of all sorts to suit your personal or business needs.
Course Content
- InDesign Environment
- InDesign Environment Elements
- Navigating
- Basic Documents
- Picas Measurement System
- Document Setup
- Creating Text
- Working With Graphics
- Master Pages
- Creating Masters
- Applying Masters
- Importing and Threading Text
- Importing Text
- Threading Text
- Changing Text Threads
- Colours, Swatches, and Gradients
- Colours and Swatches
- Gradients
- Applying Fills and Strokes to Frames and Type
- Formatting Type
- Character Formatting
- Paragraph Formatting
- Styles
- Text Inset Spacing
- Graphics and Layout
- Placing and Manipulating Graphics
- Text Wrap
- Layers
- Transparency
- Applying Transparency
- Transparency Effects and Blending Modes
- Printing With Transparency
- Using Tables
- Creating Tables
- Formatting Tables
- Preparing for Handoff to a Service Provider
- Commercial Printing Overview
- Preflighting
- Printing
- Packaging Files
- Creating Acrobat PDF Files
- PDF Files for the Web
- PDF Styles
- PDF Files for Printing
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Adobe InDesign CS6 Advanced
The Subject
In the InDesign CS6 introduction course, you learned techniques for creating a basic multi-page document. In this course, you will build upon those skills, learning more about manipulating text, pictures, and pages. You will employ methods for formatting text efficiently, for creating and editing graphics with Adobe InDesign, and for making and modifying layouts quickly.
To ensure your success, we recommend you first compleated the introduction to InDesign course or have equivalent knowledge
In this course, you will expand your InDesign skill set with new techniques for applying master pages, styles, text control, sectioning, and XML.
Course Content
- Master Page Setup
- Basing Masters on Existing Master Pages
- Applying Master Pages to Multiple Document Pages
- Advanced Styles
- Local Overrides in Styles
- Basing One Style on Another
- Importing and Redefining Styles
- Controlling Text Flow
- Inline Graphics
- Composition, Hyphenation, and Justification
- Tracking and Kerning
- Scaling Text
- Elements and Graphics
- Dragging Items Between Documents
- File Formats
- Libraries
- Bézier Shapes
- Bézier Shapes Overview
- Editing Bézier Paths
- Compound Paths
- Clipping Paths
- Creating Type Outlines
- Sectioning Documents
- Managing Long Documents
- Tables of Contents
- Indexing
- Creating a Book
- Print Settings
- Printer Styles
- colour Separations Print Settings
- InDesign and XML
- Structuring InDesign Documents With XML
- Importing XML
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