Microsoft Access 2016 Level 3
Course Description
Your training in and use of Microsoft Office Access 2016 has provided you with a solid foundation in the basic and intermediate skills of working in Microsoft Office Access 2016. You have worked with the various Access objects, such as tables, queries, forms, and reports. In this course, you will extend your knowledge into some of the more specialised and advanced capabilities of Access by structuring existing data, writing advanced queries, working with macros, enhancing forms and reports, and maintaining a database.
Course Objective
You will create complex Access databases by structuring existing data, writing advanced queries, working with macros, making effective use of forms and reports, and performing database maintenance.
To ensure your success, knowledge of basic and intermediate features of Access tables, relationships, and queries, forms, and reports is recommended. The following courses or equivalent knowledge are recommended: Microsoft Office Access 2016 Level 1 and Microsoft Office Access 2016 Level 2.
Course Content
Module 1 - Managing Relational Databases
- Database Concepts.
- Database Design
- Normalisation
- Database Integrity
- Types of Relationship
- Creating Table Links
- Referential Integrity
Module 2 - Advanced Forms Customising
- List and Combo Boxes
- Check Boxes, Option & Toggle Buttons.
- Option Groups
- Command Buttons
- Calculated Fields.
- Using Form’s Input Values
- Create a Form With Multiple Pages or Tabs
- Tab Order
- Inserting Graphics in Forms or Reports
- AutoFormat
Module 3 - Optimising and Administering Access
- Optimising Performance
- The Performance Analyzer
- The Add in Manager
- Compacting Your Database
- The Database Documentor
- The Database Splitter
- Recovering Damaged Databases
- Importing and Linking Tables
Module 4 - Advanced Forms Customising
- List and Combo Boxes
- Check Boxes, Option & Toggle Buttons.
- Option Groups
- Command Buttons
- Calculated Fields.
- Using Form’s Input Values
- Create a Form With Multiple Pages or Tabs
- Tab Order
- Inserting Graphics in Forms or Reports
- AutoFormat
Module 5 - Database Security
- Securing a Database
- Adding a Database Password
- Setting User Level Security
- Workgroups
- Activating the Logon Procedure
- Creating and managing security accounts
- Creating a Security Group Account
- The Security Wizard
- Changing Ownership
- Assigning and Removing Permissions
- Encrypting and Decrypting a Database
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